Martes, Setyembre 27, 2011

Four Practical Ways to Have a Scrapbook Paper

Having a Scrapbook paper is easy (

     Whether you’re just starting or a pro in scrapbooking, here’s a primer on how you’ll snag a scrapbook paper where to paste your photos full of memories or jot down your momentous day. Here are four sure and practical ways to have a Scrapbook Paper:

1.)    BUY SCRAPBOOK PAPER. I only recommend this if you don’t have time and you think that getting one is a must. Perhaps you don’t want the important day pass without documenting it or you need it as a gift to your friend and you’re pressed with time, then “buying” one from craft store or bookstore is the best way. Aside from saving time, you get to choose from a wide range of choices. If you’re melancholy-type of person, you’ll get thrilled at the range of choices as each theme may help you remind of a specific event in your life.

2.)    PRINT SCRAPBOOK PAPER. Maybe you don’t have time to go out either or snag a minute or two and go to the nearest craft store to purchase a scrapbook paper. If you have a computer with internet access, then voila! Your problem is solved. You just have to explore the world wide web and google for a free scrapbook paper. Free doesn’t mean design is compromised. There are a lot of wonderfully-designed scrapbook papers littered in the web.

3.)    CREATE SCRAPBOOK PAPER. This one is my favorite. Even before Scrapbook paper has been popular and commercialized, I didn’t know that it was the thing that I was long doing. So, I’m already creating scrapbook papers since I was young long before I knew how it was called. Then and now, I am always consistent with my materials: recyclables. That includes newspapers, magazines, any used cardboard or paper bags with interesting designs. Anything goes. There is no right or wrong design. You are the master of your “scrapbook paper” ship. Suit yourself, mind your own business and trust/ satisfy your discriminating taste.

4.)    BEG FOR SCRAPBOOK PAPER. That’s another ways of saying “ask.” It’s a little tricky because you will not be doing it in a “desperate” way. You simply have to share and tell your closest friends that you’re into “scrapbooking’ and it would be lovely if you’d be able to receive a scrapbook paper from them by any chance. This works and just expect your scrapbook paper on Christmas, birthdays and other important events in your life. If that is not a brilliant idea, then I don’t know what one is.

     I would like to give you one valuable tip. Since I really do most stuffs myself, I seldom buy scrapbook papers. But when I got the chance to have one during the scrapbook papers’ sale, I was surprised to read some technical terms when it comes to preserving the paper in the long run. This is what I would want you to be aware of. Please make sure that the scrapbook paper is “acid-free” and “photo-safe.” In plain terms, this means that the scrapbook papers holding the photos will be preserved for years. also recommends to “always create scrapbook paper out of archival quality paper, which is acid-and lignin-free so that it doesn’t damage photographs over time. If you’re not sure if your paper is archival quality, you can take precautions by spraying it with an acid-neutralizing spray.”

    Lastly, don’t worry though if you didn’t understand a single terminology. For now, you have to mind how to have the scrapbook paper which will house your photos and thoughts. The understanding to technicalities will come later. Don’t sweat over that stuff. 
Lovely Scrapbook Papers (images from

     Well with that, Happy Scrapbooking friend, and if by any chance you believe you have whipped a wonderful scrapbook paper, go and share it to this site’s readers for ideas and inspirations J

Linggo, Setyembre 25, 2011

The dawn of 3-D Printer in the U.S., Is it for real?

printed cups for speaker enclosure courtesy of a 3-D printer (image from


     I first heard of the 3-dimensional printer (3-D printer) in 2010 during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). I thought it was a more sophisticated version of a 2-D printer which just becomes 3-d through folding, like it will spew out a flat printed paper, cut it out and manually fold it to assemble any item you scan – sort of kid stuff! I was wrong.

The National Geographic and other national television shows soon feature this wonder.  The dawn of 3-D printer is real, and it’s awesome to say the least. It can print almost anything: From shoes to mechanical wrench, head bust of a popular personality, car parts, transistors, solar cells, skulls (Lehman College is doing this) and big bikes – yes, big bikes. Cool huh?

How is that possible? What happens is that the machine, the 3-D printer/ copy machine prints layers of material one on top of the other. The layers are very thin — usually one-fifth or one-tenth of a millimeter. The layers then combine to form a solid object. There are many versions of this kind of technology. But the basic idea is the same for most 3-D printers. The process is called additive fabrication.

Aside from the 3-D printer itself, the secret is in the paper. It’s a specially-engineered composite material. It is a unique concoction not use anywhere else.

It boasts not only precision but also promises productivity as it can do more than one sample of small objects at the same time.

Great machine, awesome material and the process is simple:

First, Scan the object. The scanner inputs every facet of the object into the computer creating an image that will be sent to the printer. Computer-aided design programs use software to direct the printer.
     Once specific scanner can measure about 50,000 points per second at a density of 160,000 dots per inch (dpi) to create a highly detailed digital model.

Second, The 3-D printer does its job – print. This will take some time, few minutes to long hours, depending on the object. The printer doesn’t mind any complexity of the object, the size however determines the length of the process. Accuracy is astounding, said to be within 40 microns, that is little less human hair width.

Third, Grab and marvel the finished product. Most powerful 3-D printers will make you grab the finished product from a box of white powder. It will be sent to a separate machine which will dust off the excess powder.

How’s the outcome? It will freak you out. The material is solid, you can customise the color of each part of the object. If it has some movable or functional parts, the 3-D printer could replicate it no matter how small, no matter how intricate.

     Jay Leno, the popular TV host, is using a 3-D printer to replicate the rate parts of his old car, 1907 White Steamer and has this to say, “They stand in front of the machine and watch a wrench beding made, and they still don’t believe it. It’s like The Jetsons. George Jetson would say, “I want a steak dinner.” He’d press a button and the meal would come out of the machine, with the roasted potatoes and everything, all on one plate. We may not have the instant steak dinner yet – but my NextEngine system is like the car-guy equivalent.
This 3-d printer has so much power and practicality that it’s making waves in the mainstream business. Its potential has become a powerful tool for product designers since they can create a solid model in a short time and easily make changes and tests. Designers in various fields use this technology to print out prototypes to decide on the best possible pattern to send into production. 

Finally, ‘how much is this?” and “is there a possibility that ordinary folks can own one in the near future?” Hold your breath; those big 3-D printer is valued at $150,000. People in other parts of the world are equally impressed but gulped at the humongous price. Don’t be upset though, we researched and found out that there are home printers like the New York-based MakerBot Thing-O-Match which costs less than $1,300. They come in kits which you will put up into a small printer. Just don’t expect it to be as efficient as its big brothers, but for a way cheaper cost, it can still blow you away as to what it can do.

So does it have drawbacks? Just like a coin, it has two sides. Metals are more difficult to print that plastics or any composite materials. Some specialized 3-D printer though can even make a replacement part in cobalt-chrome with the direct laser sintering process. According to Popular Mechanic article, "Just fee a plastic wire -- for a steel part you use metal wire -- into the appropriate laser cut."

3-D printer in action. (image from

And just what is next in this eye-popping 3-D printer buzz? Nobody has attempted to print an airplane yet but its being done with some of its parts like what Boeing is doing to replicate some rare parts for its older machines. And according to the Scientific American website, even printed organs for humans beings may soon be viable. Now that sounds sci-fi turning into reality.

Sources: National Geographic Channel,  htto://,, Popular Mechanics Magazine

Linggo, Setyembre 18, 2011

Six Wonderful Personalised Gift Ideas for Your Loved Ones

Your loved one sure deserves the best gift - a personalised and customised gift from your heart.
(image from

     It’s your loved one’s birthday, and just like last year, you can’t think of a great gift to give to him/her simply because he/she deserves the best. You don’t think that any of the current options you have is good enough. And as it turns out, the best can’t just be found right around the corner.

     In this situation, creativity will step in. And time has proven that creative, personalised and customised gifts never fail to incite a comment of “wow” or “awesome” from your family and friends. To spare you of the head-banging thinking, here are five brilliant personalised gift ideas:

1.)    Puzzle letters/ photos. This is unique. Grab a fave pic of you and your loved one, OR make a letter for him/her. Sprinkle a twist by making it a puzzle! In this way, before he/she reads your letter, there is a little “work out”. Believe me, it’s all worth going through the puzzle only to know what your precious message/ picture is in the end!

2.)    Photo Cross-Stitch. This one will take some time, effort and money. Once again, get a fave photo of him/ her. A portrait would be suggested. The one in which he/she is at his/her best. You can either go to the nearest craft store or google a site for a free software to turn your photo in to a cross-stitch pattern. You may try, “free photo cross stitch converter” in the search bar. They will also provide you with the colours of the thread. You can buy all the materials (cloth, threads, needle) and some accessories you need in either a physical or online store. There is a 100% guarantee that your loved one will be touched with the time, effort, money and a great love you have poured in to making this portrait masterpiece.
Photo Mosaic, another wonderful personalised gift idea
(image from

3.)    Photo Mosaic is an assembly of multiple photographs. One photograph will outshine though, which will largely represent the whole picture. This is another awesome personalised gift idea. Collate all your loved ones favourite photos. Make sure to choose the happiest moments where there are a lot of smiling, events to reminisce, memories and celebration. Then choose a main picture. Once again, a portrait is strongly suggested. Something that will tell other people what kind of person this friend of yours is just by looking the portrait. If your friend is known for her ripples of infectious laughter then choose a laughing portrait of her! Go to the nearest photo store or google (type “photo mosaic”) the net of the software which can do just like this. Nothing will beat this personalised and well thought-of gift.

4.)    Create Your Signature Craft. This is any of your “do-it-yourself” project. So bring out your water colours, pens, highlighters, any art materials there and whip your obra exclusively for your loved one. You might say, “nah, I’m not in any craft of sort.” That is actually an added value. When they know that you don’t lift a finger to produce something close to artistry, they will surely appreciate you for the effort and for collecting humongous guts to swallow no-artistry-in-body stance and belief. For ideas, you can look for some inspiration in any craft magazine. This blog,, may also give you an idea.

5.)    Awards, awards.  This actually appeals to some people. You can brag your greeting to the “man” or “woman” of the hour through tangible awards-like object: certificates, plaques, trophies. Go to a gift shop and you will sure find one or create one, something that banners words similar to “Very Important Person Award presented to (your loved one’s name), given by (your name) on (date). That’s another creative twist to your personalised gift idea.   
Bonsai, one of the unique "green" gifts you can give to your loved ones
(image from
6.)    Be Green.  As you know, green is in. Anything about “caring for the environment” is cool. You can buy your loved one a small plant, flower plants perhaps. For it to live longer, you can ask the plant guy if it’s low maintenance specially if you know that your loved one has no “green thumb” or you’re unsure if he/she has some “plant” background. Or you can check out for the bonsai instead. You may want to search more info about the plant and associate it to your friend, like “You’re beauty reminds me of the rose, blooming and wonderful.” Uhm, that was rather bad. I’m sure you’re a better wordsmith or poet.  Mushy as it sounds, your loved one will definitely have her “ahhh” moment with your unique personalised gift idea. 

Sabado, Setyembre 10, 2011


Smiley Stress Ball as desktop companion and handy stress-reliever (image from

     Stress balls, those rounds, bright, squeezable, hand-held balls which you usually get as promotional items or small tokens from your company or a hand-down thing from a friend seem a potential object just to sit on your desk and gather some dust. But do you know that they do more than what you think they can? They are way more than what meets the eye.

     Here are the five simple reasons you should start squeezing those unsuspecting stress balls:

1.  It’s the most compact Stress Reliever. Stress balls come with a brief instruction manual: Squeeze it, over and over again. This action relieves muscle tension in your hands and you will feel a more relaxed mind. This is said to be the “Progressive Muscular Relaxation”. The effect of this repeated action is instant and tremendous: your emotional stress is being released. It’s indeed the most portable stress reliever. Stress balls indeed perfectly help you during your frustrating and stressful moments.

2. It’s the lightest Exercise Equipment. Not only does it take your stress away, it is also the most handy exercise equipment you can bring on and out anywhere. Aside from emotional benefit, you will also notice increase in strength. How is that possible? When you squeeze, the muscles not only contract in your hand, but up your arms as well. As your muscles relax, the tension will leave your arms and hands. Aside from boosting your attention level, you’ll also improve your hand strength and dexterity.

Specific stress balls can be more efficient in terms of exercising your arms and other parts of the body. For example, the stress ball which has the spiky features, when you press your hands against it, it also triggers stress points. This means that when you squeeze it, the spike will put pressure on specific parts of  your palm which is connected to the other part of  your body which is also benefitted. And the repeated pressure can improve one’s health.

3. It’s good for both your emotion and physical health.  Stress balls stimulate good blood circulation and can aid in reducing arthritic pain and stiffness. It also releases endorphin. In layman’s terms, it simply refers to the general feeling of well-being. (Just by squeezing a simple ball!)

4. It’s a visual feast. Nowadays, stress balls do not come only in the shade of yellow with the most basic smiley face. Marketing designers and strategists have already thought of hundreds of designs for the customers to enjoy the stress ball in a different twist. They thought of products which surprises and amazes people like the stress ball which changes color once you squeeze it hard enough. Or that which contains luminous materials. They come up with different themes: sporty (I personally like the soccer ball), scary, personalized, they can even adjust the softness and texture just for you.

     A couple more of tips, make sure to replace your stress ball when it wears out for continuous enjoyment of its benefits. Another thing, if you still can’t accept the fact and logic why you have you have to squeeze it to release the stress, then you don’t have to convince yourself hard. Another great thing to do with stress ball is to play with it and bounce it against the wall or the floor. Just make sure that no one would be hit when you do this. I find it pretty effective as well. It’s like you’re throwing your anger and stress. It still serves its purpose without being squeezed on.

     So the next time you see a stress ball, don’t just stare at it and dismiss them as another non-sense object. Start using them and you will realize that relaxation is just a squeeze away J.